How should the Church respond to coronavirus?


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How should the Church respond to coronavirus?

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[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic
[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings
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If we have to gather online, we'll gather online wherever two or three gather, and God is bigger than a confined space. We will gather speak of your trucks online. May I brag on those of you who gives generously those of you who do I'm not bragging on all of you, but those who do Hey, because of your generosity, our churches able to give away the platform we created. We created the church online platform. And every week there are over 11,000 services that other churches hold on the free church trips online platform because of your heart, your faith, your generosity, and think about the tool that is created for such a time as this, in fact, this week alone, this week, there's approximately 700 new churches signing up to be on the church online platform this week, 700 churches this week.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Craig Groeschel

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