Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)


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Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)

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Theodicy (S): Pandemic as punishment for Sin. Or not!
Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.

Text of excerpt, if available

As you know, this is the very beautiful passage from the Old Testament that we read earlier in the epistle: the sin of pride of King David who wanted to count his people to have the satisfaction of knowing that he was leading a great nation. And the consequence of this was a punishment by God. Yes, because God punishes as a father can punish his children. The punishment for this pride was a terrible plague, but as soon as God saw that hearts were turning towards Him, God made the angel of sickness stop taking revenge.

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Father Denis Puga

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