What Good Can Come Out of This Crisis


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What Good Can Come Out of This Crisis

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Of course, this conscious effort of turning towards God by reaching out toward those in need has always been a central Lenten spiritual discipline. Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving, or Acts of Mercy and Love are fundamental Lenten disciplines! We have now reached the 4th Sunday of our Lenten journey. This is the day we remember St John of the Ladder, the famous spiritual father of St Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai who wrote the classic book “The Ladder of Divine Ascent.” In this writing he described the spiritual life as a journey up a ladder, which leads into the Kingdom of Heaven. He taught how we must wisely understand the challenges and dangers of climbing this spiritual ladder. What are the virtues that we must cultivate in our lives, and what are the vices we must take care to avoid or weed out!?!

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Fr. Luke A. Veronis

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