Sunday Sermon in a Pandemic: Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis in Conversation


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Sunday Sermon in a Pandemic: Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis in Conversation

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M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

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I’ll give you a quick example, just in terms of me personally, one of the things that I’ve gone back to is looked at the ancient rhythm of Hours of Prayer. It’s there in the Hebrew scriptures, in the Psalms, in the morning, midday, and night, the various hours of prayer are there. It’s in the ancient monastic tradition of early morning prayer, whether it’s Lauds and Matins, and then midday prayer, and then evening prayer, and then late-night Compline kind of prayer where the day was marked not by numbers on a clock but was marked by moments of prayer. That’s deep and ancient in our traditions. And so, I’ve gone back personally and started following the pattern hours of prayer. And they’re not all long but letting that define my day or create the context for what I have to do during the day.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis

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