God is Still Center of Gravity: Keep Coronavirus in Perspective


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God is Still Center of Gravity: Keep Coronavirus in Perspective

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)
Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.

Text of excerpt, if available

And even in this time of, of, of great restrictions for the faithful, we remain close to him. He remains close to us in a special way, which is of course for us, a great responsibility to pray for the needs of the church. And he's also close to us in his word in which he continuously and always shows us his will reveals it to us. It makes it known to us whenever we call upon him and on the subject, getting to the point that I'd like to make today.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Friar Matthias

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