Instagram: A New Community Social Media Movement "Jesus Saved My Life"


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Instagram: A New Community Social Media Movement "Jesus Saved My Life"

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Easter, when COVID-adapted
Unity of religious community

Text of excerpt, if available

And then every single one of those will have a different local church next to it. Maybe it's mission. Maybe it's a cross point. Maybe it's harvest, maybe it's reality, Ventura, maybe it's reality, Los Angeles. And that will be a connection for them to the local church, because then on Easter Sunday, all of those churches are going to be preaching the gospel online through our online services. And so then you can invite people and just say, Hey, would you tune in with me to our Easter service online? And there, I will preach the gospel and invite people to come and meet the same Jesus that they heard about who changed your life.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Dominic Balli

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