Instagram: A New Community Social Media Movement "Jesus Saved My Life"


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Instagram: A New Community Social Media Movement "Jesus Saved My Life"

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Easter, when COVID-adapted

Text of excerpt, if available

Some of you were like, I don't know how to testify about how Jesus has changed my life. We got you covered. We got even sample videos of what they should look like. And then starting next week, Easter week, or maybe it's this week. If you're watching it right now, starting the week of Easter, we're going to post those online. Hashtag Jesus changed my life and then the handle of whatever your church is. Okay. This is an exciting time. I think God wants to use this to bring many people to know him. Okay. God bless you. See you soon.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Dominic Balli

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