Isolation Station


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Isolation Station

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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But what John is trying to say is that the fear of God must come from a faithful focus on him as our eschatological judge is he, Jesus is the end time judge. It is not my decision or my choice to define who makes it on the boat and who does it because in the end, it all belongs to him. So fear God and bring him glory because the hour of his judgment has come. It's interesting that the term hour of judgment has come is in past the tense is a past tense. The Greek calls it arest is indicative to be more precise. This is refer to an event that happened in the past. And that is a statement of fact. Well, most callers would tell you that would, as good is going on here is John is engaging in prolapses, and this is nothing more than to speak about future events with such a certainty as though they already happened. Oh, how I wish I could have that faith to speak about distancing and isolation as nothing but mere memories. God is still working with us, but as we think of the judgment, it will, it would also do as well to remember that everything that happens in chapter six on and particularly in chapter 14, verses 16 through 19 comes from the hand of the lamb. It must be read and interpreted from the viewpoint of the gospel.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Miguel Mendez

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