Pestilence, Plague & Prophecy


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Pestilence, Plague & Prophecy

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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Crescendoing things escalating. Are we getting closer to seeing Jesus returned? Jesus said there would be pestilences and these would be the beginning of sorrows. I think the main point of what Jesus is saying in Matthew 24 and in Luke chapter 21 is to watch the prophetic watch for the prophetic signs to increase in frequency. That's what he's saying. And this increase will signal the soon return of Jesus. We need to make sure that's clear in our minds. Now very important followup question to these things is what is the appropriate response to the signs? What is the appropriate response to these signs? Let's go back to Luke, Luke chapter 21 and verse 28, Luke chapter 21 in verse 28. Jesus said, now, when these things begin to happen, he says, look up, lift up your heads because your redemption draws Nia. It's another way of saying, be encouraged and be hopeful.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Chris Buttery

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