Pestilence, Plague & Prophecy


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Pestilence, Plague & Prophecy

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Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.
Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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While people are dying from certain preventable diseases or even dying from deadly viruses. They're not going to sit on their hands. They're not going to be indifferent to the needs of humanity. They're not there. They're going to, in fact, better themselves, educate themselves so they can be a help where they are needed the most. In other words, God's people will be helpful. They'll be hopeful and they will be helpful. I want you to remember here as we come to a close friends at these signs that Jesus shared with us before his return are signs of hope.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Chris Buttery

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