Where Do We Go From Here?


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Where Do We Go From Here?

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Blame and Scapegoating
Flag: No mention of the COVID pandemic anywhere in this source. (Place near top of the source)
Flag: Innovative, unexpected, noteworthy. Always comment on it!

Text of excerpt, if available

Now, once we start to regather, do you think the devil is gonna just not take notice of any possible division he could cause? Or do you think you might be looking for every possible way to cause that gathered to be a problem? See, we're not naive to the schemes of the devil. I think the devil is going to do everything he can do to keep the church from having a successful regathering and rebuilding a time. And I was thinking about one of the ways, it seems like a small insignificant insignificant way, but I've already seen some of it.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Gary Hutchinson



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