Where Do We Go From Here?


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Where Do We Go From Here?

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[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

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Well, this week we've started back with several small groups that are meeting in person. A lot of them are meaning a combination. We call the hybrid meeting where there'll be the small groups and meeting in person. And yet we are also streaming those online for those who are choosing to continue to stream or have some health concerns. Also this Sunday, we have several elder in and staff families meeting with us because we're trying to kind of walk through how is this going to work on the 31st? We have some idea. We've got a lot of plans, but we want to go ahead and work through it. So that's what we're doing this Sunday next Sunday, and then May 31st or swinging open the doors for everyone who would like to be here. So on May 31st. We will have a nine o'clock and 11 o'clock service. We have so designed our meeting, a place that we can have social distancing, and we're trying to do everything we can do to follow the guidelines, to make these meetings as safe as possible.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Gary Hutchinson



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