Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


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Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

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Theodicy (M): Misc. beliefs about why God lets a pandemic happen

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So, as I said, a lot of intentionality has been given. We want to think about how do we do church and beat church during this time in a way that reflects who we are and have been, and our values. We're also wanting to think about how we do church now. How will that impact us when this is over? What sorts of things will we continue to do? What kinds of things will we realize we don't need anymore? Maybe things we were doing before that we don't need anymore, but what I do believe, and I'm very confident of during this time, God is going to teach us a few things. God is going to show us that we need each other in a way that we have not maybe realized before we need connection. I mean, it's, we're syncing it every day, right?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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David Flowers

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