My Faith Is What's Helping Me Get Through This Pandemic


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My Faith Is What's Helping Me Get Through This Pandemic

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Theodicy (M): Misc. beliefs about why God lets a pandemic happen
R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)

Text of excerpt, if available

“It’s impossible for the human mind to fully grasp divine reasoning,” says Priscilla Shirer, Bible teacher and author of Fervent. “Even though hindsight will sometimes provide a window of clarity about difficult times, we will often be left without any sure understanding of why bad things happen–especially when they happen to good people.” She adds that even if we mere mortals never fully comprehend God’s plans for us, there is one sure thing we can cling to: If God allows something, there is a reason...even for something as horrific as the coronavirus. “It will not have been in vain,” Shirer says. “Somehow, this will become a breeding ground for beautiful outcomes that would not have otherwise taken shape.”

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Stephanie L. King

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