My Faith Is What's Helping Me Get Through This Pandemic


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My Faith Is What's Helping Me Get Through This Pandemic

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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
Social / physical distancing

Text of excerpt, if available

Some of those outcomes might be already taking shape. Social distancing and more time at home has meant families are creating memories they wouldn’t have otherwise, whether it’s by shared meals, group TikToK challenges, or tackling academic course loads. (Teachers really should be paid more, huh?) Beyond that, with so many people staying home, both crime rates and pollution have decreased. Not to mention, as Shirer adds, “Many people are already taking advantage of the opportunity to realign priorities, rediscover lost passions, adjust misplaced perspectives, and rebuild relationships that have been neglected in the business of everyday life.”

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Stephanie L. King

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