Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One


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Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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And, when people lose their jobs and are running out of food, we say, we are here to help. Part of our mission at Vineyard Columbus is to “partner with Christ to heal the world.” As we prayed about how we are to respond as a church in this dark moment in our country’s history, we felt led to expand our food pantries to every campus around our city. So we are expanding from two pantries to five. We have seen the need for food rise over 40% so far, and as unemployment benefits decrease, the needs will be greater. And as we were making those plans, we got a timely call from World Vision. It looks like we will partner with them so we can provide fresh fruits, meats, and dairy products WEEKLY to at least 800 families in Central Ohio. That’s a lot of families who will be helped! A lot of mouths that will be fed. And a lot of good news that will be shared! We will need lots of you to assist with handling and distributing the food through our campuses and around the city, so look for opportunities to sign up and join in. [photos of people serving and giving groceries] D. Sign of Beginning. You see, church, the sign of the End is not the pandemic. The sign of the End is us doing the works of Jesus, and sharing the words of Jesus. That’s the sign not only of the End of this old world, but the Beginning of God’s new world.

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Eric Pickerill

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