No Compromise- We May Burn But We Won't Bow


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No Compromise- We May Burn But We Won't Bow

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Conspiracy, "fake news" & distrust of media

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Now, let me say this. And I want you to listen very carefully, whether you realize this or not, America is under is really, undergoing a change as a nation short of a divine intervention in the month of November, what you are actually seeing take place is a communist take over of the whole of the United States. I know that you might not understand that I've written all the books. I'm not going to go into depth today. You might not know what's actually actually taking place, but I have traveled to 85 countries of the world and I'm spend 40 years of my life doing that. So I recognize all the signs. I see everything on the horizon. And so we have to have divine intervention, but it's going to take an uncompromised church. That's going to stand up. Our brothers and sisters from Cuba, our brothers and sisters from Venezuela, our brothers and sisters from other countries like Zimbabwe, even communist China. And the list goes on from Romania and all the countries that were under communism can testify that what they see take place is right from the playbooks. There is nothing that is happening today. That is by accident from the rioting, from the looting, from the pillaging, from stirring up a racial war to try to disband our police department so that they can bring in a United nations police force of 500,000 people that are not loyal to the American people. And they're not loyal to the constitution so they can force exactly what they want to take place in America, which let me tell you will be the gun confiscation.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rev. Rodney Howard-Browne

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