You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)


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You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)

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M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

Text of excerpt, if available

Thank you so much for watching transformation, churches, YouTube. And I want you to take another Step. If this is feeding you join transformation nation. Let's everybody that doesn't live here in Tulsa, watching live with us on Sunday mornings, gather your family. Let's make this thing an every week situation and please share, share. If it has impacted your life. There is somebody that is waiting for you to share this with them. And transformation is only a click away. And there's one more thing I would ask you to do pray about giving. If you want to help us take this message all around the world and represent God to lost and found people for one reason, transformation in Christ, you can do that right now by clicking the giveaway. I cannot wait to see you the next time we're here. Live a transformed life.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Michael Todd

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