You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)


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You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts
Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Rhetorical technique: appeal to audience's virtues/values

Text of excerpt, if available

Matthew chapter 28, verse 18. This is Jesus talking to his disciples before he ascends to heaven. He says, Jesus came and told his disciples. I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. So, so, so he's the man. He could say this. Therefore the one instruction that I want to give to all my ministers is to go and make disciples of all the native nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirits, teach these new disciples to obey all my commands that I have given you and be sure of this one thing I am with you even to the end of the age, do y'all know that when you're a minister of Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter if it's SARS. If it's Ebola, if it's COVID-19, when you're a minister and you're going out and you're telling people about the good news of Jesus Christ, he says, I will be with you to the end of the day. Somebody needs to get excited about that right now, because you've been walking in fear and God says, why are you walking in fear?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Michael Todd

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