The Coming Economic Collapse: A COVID Collapse?


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The Coming Economic Collapse: A COVID Collapse?

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Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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Impact of the current pandemic is quite serious, surely. And it's frankly far too soon to know whether we're going to have an economic recovery or collapse into some kind of depression. On Sunday, we saw the Bible clearly describes a future economic meltdown. Tonight. We saw evidence that anybody who tells you, they know when this or that will happen. No. When Jesus will return, they have a message about time. They are unreliable. Don't trust them. Don't believe it. But if it's true that the Bible doesn't tell us when an economic collapse will come or when Jesus will return, it does provide insight into what causes the collapse.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Alan J. Reinach

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