How To Handle Anxiety When Everything Is Changing? [Exemplar?]


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How To Handle Anxiety When Everything Is Changing? [Exemplar?]

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If this content is helpful for you, I want you to share it. That's the best thing you could do right now is not let it stop stopped with you. This whole thing with Corona is it's contagious. And so we're trying not to spread it. This is, this is the right thing to spread. I want you to spread this. I want you to share it. I want you to personally text it to somebody and I want you to know that we're going to make it through this and I'm going to be your pastor. Just one of the many voices that will be honest with you will be humble, open and transparent during this time of crisis.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Michael Todd

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