Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church


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Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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The news about coronavirus is overwhelming. It's hard to keep up with and it's hitting home more and more right here in Los Angeles. But before I talk with you about how that's affecting us as a church, I want to remind you to something back that we talked about on vision Sunday, we talked about how throughout this year 2020, there are going to be a lot of reasons in our nation and in our city to divide. But we believe that every one of those is actually an opportunity for deeper unity in Christ. And I think that we have one of those opportunities coming to us now because of the coronavirus, the California department of health has recommended that there are no gatherings that involve more than 250 people.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Jeremy Treat

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