Instagram: Continuing Existing Acts of Service in a New Digital Way


Title of item excerpted / highlighted

Instagram: Continuing Existing Acts of Service in a New Digital Way

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Community themes
Good deeds and service to others
Technological and organizational changes

Text of excerpt, if available

And, and so if you just joined in, on the live, I've been talking with Anthony Connolly, the community involvement coordinator at covenant house, California, as we are getting ready to launch on Monday at 11:00 AM a dollar for dollar campaign, where for each dollar that you donate, you'll be able to do that through the RLA site, a reality, the, the, each dollar that you donate up to $6,500, we will match that. And again, it's really to continue the work that you have heard and the work of covenant house, supporting youth who are on housed and supporting youth, especially our, our black and Brown youth who are just based off of systemic issues who are just experiencing some difficulties, then, you know, maybe others.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Charity McCloud

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