Instagram: Continuing Existing Acts of Service in a New Digital Way


Title of item excerpted / highlighted

Instagram: Continuing Existing Acts of Service in a New Digital Way

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Technological and organizational changes
Unity of religious community
Community themes
Good deeds and service to others

Text of excerpt, if available

Like I love the funds, but also the, the, you know, the meat of it is also in the time that you all spend with us for that dollar for dollar. I want that minute for a minute. And I know, I know covenant house is, and, you know, we can't really have too many volunteers, but there's ways to provide those minutes virtual or any kind of having conversations with their neighbors about bringing awareness to homelessness. There's so many different ways and that we could come up with together.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Charity McCloud

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