Help stop the spread of fear


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Help stop the spread of fear

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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That wasn’t going to work! I realized I needed to shut the door completely on those fearful thoughts so I could open it all the way to God. This wasn’t about ignoring something. It was about turning away from the thoughts that were pulling me deeper into an unproductive place of fear, worry, and concern so I could feel God moving me in a constructive, strengthened direction instead. And you know what? The moment I did that, not only did the fear disappear, but I was completely healed. I was so grateful to be able to have fun and help out that weekend. But the main thing that stuck with me was the realization that every one of us is capable of saying no to fear and yes to God’s powerful messages of peace. The mental action I’m talking about is like if you were in a group of friends that were getting really upset about something and you decided to walk away. You, too, can simply turn to God, turn your back on fear, and “walk away” from those feelings.

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Jenny Sawyer

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