Important Message from the Bishop: Worship & COVID Concerns, July 11, 2020


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Important Message from the Bishop: Worship & COVID Concerns, July 11, 2020

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The leadership in each of our congregations must seriously consider the space constraints (size and airflow) of their sanctuaries. The clergy and wardens should evaluate whether administration of Holy Communion is prudent every week (My first four years of ordained ministry was as the Curate in a church that had Morning Prayer as the principle form of worship at the third Sunday service, three Sundays a month. I found those services both edifying and prayerful. Having Morning Prayer on Sundays is part of the Anglican tradition. It is not ideal, but it is acceptable.). If a congregation is unable to fulfill the guidelines in the Customary or there is particular presenting issue, I will support discontinuing public worship at that site.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Robert L. Fitzpatrick

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