Youth Sunday Worship


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Youth Sunday Worship

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That gives you a chance to get to your tomorrows. That is you need to do a better job of focusing on the things that God does for you from day to day. Beloved, be careful, be careful To focus on what You do have not what's missing. Let me see, Say that again. Be careful to focus on what you have and not what's missing. What am I saying? Look at it this way, in order to make the cake in order to make the cake, you need certain ingredients. Now, if I'm making A cake, I'll say it's different Probably than when my wife makes the cake or when my mom makes the cake or when mrs. Pastor makes the cake, or even if pastor moody made cake me, I simply follow the instructions on the box, but here it is, you still need all of the ingredients on the box or all of the ingredients that your mama told you. You know, a pinch of this center pitch of that. I tried to make a cake once, but I didn't have an egg. A cake was terrible. All I'm saying is that you, you need the batter, the salt, the egg, and some moisture. You need all of those ingredients, all blended together in one bowl to get the best results. The truth is you can ignore the salt and the oil if you want to, but you still need them. Your life is full of those small things that you and I have a tendency to ignore. What am I talking about here? Everybody take a deep breath

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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