Youth Sunday Worship


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Youth Sunday Worship

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For you. I stopped by this morning to tell somebody, to remind someone that God has plans for you, that God has plans for you. And you are important that you matter that you are not simply here to take up space beloved, that you were fearfully and wonderfully made for a specific person purpose. That's why you were here. That's why you didn't die. When you should have a long time ago. That's why all the bad things that you did to yourself never took you out. That's why every time someone tries to set you up to fail. You always seem to come out on top. That's why you're able to handle all of the stuff that's thrown at you because you were built for this. You were designed for this, how I dropped some stuff deep, deep on the inside of you. That was purpose to help you reach your purpose. So keep pushing and keep fighting and keep moving because you're no accident. So even though today looks this way, even though today looks a mess. Even though today, it looks permanent. Even though today looks like there is no coming back from it. God says, surely I know God says, absolutely. I know God says, I know that today. It's not your tomorrow, but I hear you pastor that God may have plans for me, but it's been today for a very long time. I keep telling you that today. It's not your tomorrow.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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