Youth Sunday Worship


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Youth Sunday Worship

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but I wish I had somebody in this place that would declare that, although it ain't all right, although it ain't what I wanted to be. That you're still glad that God woke you up and started you on your way today. Anybody glad that, although you don't have everything figured out that you're still happy that it ain't over just yet. Anybody glad that even though the grass looks greener on the other side, that you're still grateful that you've got some grass up. My grass might not be the greenest, but it's still my grass. It might need some more water and even some more fertilizer, but because I'm alive, I still got another chance. You blessed to be the God to get it right now. You realize that because God woke you up and started you on your way. Is there anybody glad that they got breath in their body? Is there anybody glad that you got blood running through your veins and clapping in your hands and a little bit of run left in your feet? That ought to be evidence that today is not my tomorrow. Today, today is not my tomorrow. And, and our passing the scripture today, we find the prophet, Jeremiah being the conduit, a medium through which God sends God's people a letter. This letter, this letter is communication. It was sent to those in Babylonian, exile, and lower decided to address the captives with this letter, God was doing so simply to show that God had not forgotten about them. That even Though God was displeased. And even though God had to correct them on different occasions, that God had not forgotten about them. That's the news for someone on today that God hasn't forgotten about you. I don't care what it looks like. You have not been forgotten you. I don't care what it feels like. You have not been forgotten no matter how bad it looks. You have not been no matter what your haters say. You have not been forgotten no matter what your enemy say, you have not been forgotten. God promised to never leave you nor forsake you. And so that ought to tell somebody today that you have not been forgotten and because you haven't been forgotten love and rest assured that what you're experiencing today does not equate to what you will experience for the rest of your life. That is my, today is not mine tomorrow.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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