Youth Sunday Worship


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Youth Sunday Worship

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And then the mess that I find myself in right now, it's a difficult thing to look around and see that life has become what it is right now. Especially when you sit next to your expectations, you really thought that things will be better. You know, now we look at our friends and everybody seems to be doing better than we are. You look at your acquaintances and yes, they all seem to be better doing better than you are. In fact just about everyone's life seems to be better than yours is. Everybody has a better car. Everybody has a better house. Everybody has a better life. They're living their happily ever after everybody makes more money than you ever have their clothes fit better than yours. Do their shoes. Ain't leaning over to the side like yours are, they don't have safety pins holding the hymn of their clothes together. Like you do. You don't go places. Well, when you could go places, you didn't go places because you couldn't afford the bill that was going to show up. So you found yourself just chilling out at home. Hoping that one day things would be better. You given your arm, but y'all all, hasn't been enough. Life beloved is the epitome of the haves and the have-nots. I can't seem to get it together, but it's not that I haven't tried. It appears that at every turn I made, it ends up being the wrong one. Not that I always make terrible decisions. It just feels like I'm stuck in the mud. And my tires are spinning and mud is flying everywhere. Just making a mess. Everything that I touch seems to crumble.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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