Love, Even in a Pandemic


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Love, Even in a Pandemic

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Through pledging, but also through keeping our distance, through wearing our masks, through washing our hands, through calling each other, checking in with each other, and praying for each other. Together we are going to get through this. There has never been a pandemic in all of history that did not end at some point. That was true before all of modern medical science, which is going to find solutions faster through treatments and eventually through vaccines. There is no such thing as a pandemic that lasts forever. They always come to an end, and this one will, too. We will get through this together. Our way of doing that, as followers of Jesus, as Christians, as baptized members of the Body of Christ, is by loving each other, by loving our neighbor, by caring and being affectioned to one another.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Reverend Bingham Powell

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