Faith in a time of COVID-19


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Faith in a time of COVID-19

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines
[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings
Technological and organizational changes
Respect for government and/or patriotic loyalty, as a priority

Text of excerpt, if available

On Monday March 16th the Anglican Alliance convened an online global consultation to draw together the lessons learned so far from how Anglicans are responding to COVID-19 across the Communion. Participants included church leaders, representatives of Anglican development agencies, health and legal experts and came from almost every region of the Communion. Here we share the key learnings and some examples of best practice from the call. We are also building up a repository of resources, bible studies, etc. that can be adapted for different contexts, so that we can learn from one another.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Anglican Alliance

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