Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream


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Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream

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Baptism, when COVID-adapted (Christian)

Text of excerpt, if available

So don't come, but we do want you to join us again at, at, at, at six 30 this evening, when we have our baptism, we'll be live streaming, our baptism remind you that that will take place at six 30 right here on the same YouTube channel, Simi Valley seventh Avenue, church, YouTube channel, the baptism of Bridget Staubach. So please join us for that special event at six 30 this evening. And again, if there are some of you that would like to register, I have not checked some of it. It may already be full, but if not, the you're welcome to come

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastors Phil White and Jan White

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