Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream


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Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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Many of us have experienced divine intervention through challenges and hardship. Even during this pandemic, I've had people tell me that this experience has brought them closer to Jesus. If we look to our past, we can find spiritual markers in our lives that will remind us of times that God has intervened in our past. Many of us have experienced times when things got tough, but Jesus was in the flames for us. We need to remember those events and trust. The Lord will get us through the challenges of whatever it is that we're facing.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastors Phil White and Jan White

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