Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)


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Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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we come together from different experiences some of us have had a wonderful week others not so great some are happy others said some hopeful others discouraged nevertheless as we say the United Church of Christ no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcome here pastor Ruth will now share some important announcements the disturbing is the pastor of churchy activity I've just a few announcements as it's true for so many places of worship and businesses and organizations we have suspended in-person gatherings and we're happy that we're able to connect with you through our website WWE TV CEO or or our Facebook page Church the nativity United Church of Christ thanks for joining us although in-person worship and meetings are suspended this past Friday we were open as a blood donation site for the American Red Cross they get a thirty seven pints of blood and we'll be back the next Saturday April 4th and possibly other times we're pleased that we can be a service in our community so that's it for the announcements let's prepare ourselves for worship as we join together in a quieting meditation

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Ruth Snyder

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