Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)


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Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)

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through 11 in these words God is speaking to the people of Israel around 600 years before Jesus was born day I in exile in these verses God assures them that exile will cease and that our God's plans are for their welfare not harm and to give them the future with hope our reading is from the New Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel to all the exiles who might have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon build houses and live in plant gardens and eat what they produce take lives and have sons and daughters take wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage that they may bear sons and daughters multiply their and do not decrease but seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare you will find your welfare for thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel do not let the prophets and the diviners who are among you deceive you and do not listen to the dreams that they dream for it is alive that they are prophesy to you in my name I did not for thus says the Lord only when that longs 70 years are completed will I visit you and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place for surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for her to give you a future with hope so ends our hearing of these ancient words may God spirit open our hearts and minds to understand the meaning they may hold for us today

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Pastor Ruth Snyder

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