Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)


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Sermon (3.29.20) (M5: step 6)

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Theodicy (S): Pandemic as punishment for Sin. Or not!

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he gods of the ancient peoples nearby us said we've done something so bad that the god or gods are punishing us and so that's your context you don't have science you don't have other ways of explaining this and given that people always make mistakes you can look around for the past year so I always figure out reasons that God might be angry and so you write your story now what I find interesting though is that even in the midst of those stories of catastrophes God puts within the writers words of hope so there's the rainbow that comes at the end of the flood and for those who lived in the 7th 6th century before Christ before the Common Era they lived in exile in fact the words that bill read from the Prophet Jeremiah are to those people who lived in exile the Babylonians had come in and they had conquered Jerusalem they burned the temple they took key leaders away as captains captives and they lived in the wilderness of Babylonia and it was terrible and fact in Psalm 137 the writers the psalmist writes by the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept we hung up our harps

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Pastor Ruth Snyder

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