Archdioceses of Baltimore


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Archdioceses of Baltimore

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M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)
M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

Text of excerpt, if available

We can well relate to the apostles who were huddled together in place, out of sight. And apart from others, while the waiting the fulfillment of the Lord's promise, the coming of the Holy spirit, without question, we've been apart for way too long, and we are hungry for the nourishment that the Eucharist provides. And yes, we crave the joy and strength we receive from being with parishioners in prayer and fellowship at our parishes. As we've announced, we will begin to be open parishes in some jurisdictions beginning on Saturday, May 30th and Sunday, May 31st with limited attendance permitted.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Archdioceses of Baltimore

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