Necessity of in person fellowship


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Necessity of in person fellowship

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
[don't use] Embodiment
Social / physical distancing
God, Jesus, or the divine

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But one of the ways that the Lord encouraged Elijah, when he felt that way was, he said, I'm going to send  a Elisha, which is I'm going to give you somebody to help you out. Somebody to shoulder the load, see that in the ministry. And we see that just in the companionship of marriage, it's God himself that said in Genesis chapter two, it's not good. That man should be alone. Man was made to be a social creature. Okay. And that's the way the Lord set up his church. That's the Lord. That's the way that the Lord orchestrated the body. You need to think about the body. Jesus Christ is the head. And we are members of the body. I've really been trying to meditate on that and want to spend some time on that. And at a later date, at some point, but you know, members think about your bones.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Elder David Wise



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