Trust in God, Not his blessings


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Trust in God, Not his blessings

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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Dear Lord, we ask that you would be with those that are suffering because of this Corona virus, those that are on beds of affliction, that you would raise them up and heal them. If it would be according to your will and not just the ones facing illness from this virus, dear Lord, but illnesses because of other reasons, other sicknesses of life and other infirmities of the flesh, dear Lord, we would ask that you would raise them up and heal them as the great physician we would ask that you would be with those that are dealing with job loss and financial hardships and depressions and marital issues, whatever issues they're facing in life. We don't know, but you know, the needs of all your people.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Nathan Meeks



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