Trust in God, Not his blessings


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Trust in God, Not his blessings

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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We thank you, dear Lord, for the health and strength that you've provided and the sustainment that you've given to us until this day, we ask that you would be with all of your ministering servants, this world over today, that you would give them the Liberty of their calling, that they might reach the minds and the hearts of your people and convert them to your wonderful truth. We ask that you would be with us in this time of pandemic, that you would continue to providential intervene in this matter as an Abel God, even though we face uncertain times in this life and unprecedented times, we know that thou art a Bible, we know that thou art the same yesterday today and forever. And so even though we may look around this world and we see nothing but change and decay, we can take comfort in knowing that the God that lived in the olden times is just the same today.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Nathan Meeks



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