Confessing christ


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Confessing christ

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Purity, religion, holiness rigid adherence to the law and an unmarked grave. It looks nice. But under the mask is what ravening, wickedness love, appraise dead. Men's bones, beware of hypocrisy. He is talking to his disciples and he wants others to hear because Jesus is not concerned about having a massive church. He wants them to count the cost of what it means to be a disciple because in this chapter there's going to be suffering and the Apostle's purpose is not to be popular. What is it? Verse three of chapter 12. Therefore whatsoever you have heard spoken in darkness, or you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light, the parallel and Matthew, which we had in our scripture reading this morning. Jesus, what have I spoken to you speak in the light. Jesus speaks to the apostles. They speak to one another. They're declared in the light. The second part of verse three, and that which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. What Jesus had spoken in their ear in private and they spoke about in private is now to be declared on the housetops verse four, do not be afraid. You see the connection

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Mike Stewart



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