[borrowed] A Walk in the Word : Biblical Vaccine Part 1


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[borrowed] A Walk in the Word : Biblical Vaccine Part 1

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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And he is perfectly reliable with the sheep, but not only is the shepherd in Psalm 23, reliable with the sheep. The shepherd is personally responsible for the sheep. The welfare of the sheep is the work of the shepherd. He guides them. He guards them and everything they need. He gives them in short, he meets all their needs. The sheep cannot survive without a responsible shepherd. God has voluntarily made himself responsible to meet your needs. He has everything. He is everywhere. He can do anything so therefore you can meet any need you will ever have. When David says the Lord is my shepherd, Lord speaks of deity and shepherd speaks of humanity. David is writing about one who is both sovereign and shepherd, both divine and human, both God and man, the shepherd of whom David speaks is none other than the God, man, Jesus Christ.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Reverend Terry K Anderson



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