Dealing with Fear and Isolation


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Dealing with Fear and Isolation

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This idea of eagerly desire, I think could best be explained through the attitude of most dogs. Some of you have dogs, all right? Some of you have cats. I mean, the opposite of this is explained through cats. All right. Think about it. When you leave for some time and you come home to your cat, the cats attitude is pretty much you left. I was fine without you. You know what I mean? That's kind of the attitude of a cat. Alright. They just live. They just do their own thing. Eagerly expecting something is your dog. The dog is the one that sits at the window. If you let the dog inside the house and they sit at the window and they wait for you, eagerly expecting for you to come back, watching, waiting, wishing that you will walk through that door and that you will spend time with them. That's the word that we get here for the son of God. He says to the disciples, I am not emotionally disconnected from this circumstance. He said, I eagerly desired for this moment. I looked forward to gathering together with you and the thought that it's going to be some time does fill me with a bit of sadness. If you're taking notes, write this down. When we gathered together to worship, we get a glimpse of heaven. Let me say that again. When we gathered together to worship, we get a glimpse of heaven.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Zach Randles



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