What is God saying through COVID-19?


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What is God saying through COVID-19?

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Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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What else is COVID saying? The message is that judgment is coming. And friends, what Jesus is saying is: our court date is coming! You might say our entire life is lived on the way to our appointment at the Judgment Seat of God. And each and every one of us is guilty. We’ve all sinned. We’ve all broken God’s law. We’ve all lied, we’ve all stolen, we’ve all blasphemed God’s name, we’ve all looked with lust, we’ve all been unjustly angry and committed what Jesus says is murder in our hearts. Friend, here you are on the way to Judgment Day, and you know that you’re guilty! Settle out of court! Settle your case with God before you ever get to the judgment, because when you stand before Him as your Judge, clothed in the filthy rags of your own sins—devoid of the pure robe of the righteousness that God requires of all those who would stand in His presence—He is going to cast you into the prison of hell until you’ve paid what you owe.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Riccardi



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