This is Love This is Life - April 12, 2020


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This is Love This is Life - April 12, 2020

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M1: Fundraising and financial resources of an organization

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Oh, we so desperately need to have our attention focused to deep and meaningful truth of Easter Christ died. Anyway again, but you know, sometimes our focus becomes a bit spread too wide. In fact, proof of this is reflected in a blog that was posted by acting Institute in 2015, that blog reported that in that year, some $17 billion was spent on Easter. And most of those spendings, the research shows was not motivated by religious purposes. So they're in last proof that over the decades, our focus on Easter has, has become too expensive with the impulse of commercialism.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Ken Pruitt



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