This is Love This is Life - April 12, 2020


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This is Love This is Life - April 12, 2020

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And that one hope is this: Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. From a message that was given in 2009 to this announcement today, Easter, the resurrection of our Lord says, this is love. This is life. And this is hope. Trust Jesus Christ today. Father, for every person listening to this message. If there is one that doesn't know you personally, may they have prayed that prayer or may they pray in their hearts. Now trusting you as savior and Lord trust in Jesus for the hope, the only hope that we can have father, I pray that you'll minister and touch that heart that needs to open to you now to reach out to you and to place their faith in you.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Ken Pruitt



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