Finding Security in a Troubled World


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Finding Security in a Troubled World

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Now if you were with us last week, you remember that our Lord said, “Stop worrying about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own,” Matthew 6. Stop worrying. We talked about that from Matthew 6: “Stop worrying. Have you forgotten who your Father is?” You belong to the Lord. Have you forgotten what family you’re in, you’re not a part of those people in the kingdom of darkness, you’re a part of the kingdom of God. You’re part of the family of God. You’re children of God, you’re to be cared for as members of His eternal family. Remember who your Father is, remember who your family is. And thirdly, we talked about the fact that you might have forgotten what your future is. You don’t need to worry about your future, it’s in our Lord’s hands.

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John F. MacArthur



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