Finding Security in a Troubled World


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Finding Security in a Troubled World

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We are rejoicing in our hearts for the opportunity to open the Word of God together and to try to help you understand what you probably already know if you’re a part of Grace Community Church, that the Lord has revealed to us enough truth in His Word basically to cover any of the issues of life, and certainly that includes the one that we’re all involved in. As I look back over, well now, about 51 years of ministry here at Grace Church, I remember that through the years, basically we have gone book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, sometimes word by word. We have worked our way through the entire New Testament, gone back to pick up some book for a second time. Basically in the early years preached through the Old Testament, got as far as about Psalm 72, if I remember, a series we were doing on Wednesday nights. So basically expositing the Word of God verse by verse. But occasionally through the years, we have also had some very important times in our church when we address the doctrine, a theological category, a theological truth, and those series have been helpful as well.  

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John F. MacArthur



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