Finding Security in a Troubled World


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Finding Security in a Troubled World

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And then there’s a third thing He wants you to know, and that is that in the end, it is all for His glory. He is doing what He wills, what He purposes, in everything. He is accomplishing your good in everything because He loves you and you’re His child, and He is to receive the glory in the end for all of it. John Piper was looking at Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good,” and he wrote this: “All things includes the fall of sparrows, the rolling of dice,” – these are all from biblical texts – “the fall of sparrows, the rolling of dice, the slaughter of His people, the decisions of kings, the failing of sight, the sickness of children, the loss and gain of money, the suffering of saints, the completion of travel plans, the persecution of Christians, the repentance of souls, the gift of faith, the pursuit of holiness, the growth of believers, the giving of life and the taking in death, and the crucifixion of His Son.”

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John F. MacArthur



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